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Conference Organization   arrow


One of EEC-Marketing trumps is conference organization. Undoubtedly, the complex undertaking becomes pretty simple with us. Such an event requires the best organization as well as many factors correlation.

For our Clients, there is a special offer depending on the expectations, branches and needs. We are experienced in organizing subject-events, leading themes, and advertising campaigns well.

Our experience at that field enables operational action what, actually, makes the Clients satisfied. We are well-prepared with an appropriate basis which will be adjusted accordingly to the individual demands.

We will invite you Guests, check their presence, lead them through the conference confidently, and even thank them for the attendance in your name. Everything on the level of good manners and professionalism.

Conferences that last more than one day are also welcome. Most of the time, such conferences include a business session, team buildings, gale, and a night party. This is considered as a stunning challenge, in other words, another case to prove our excellence. It is the more interesting that EEC-Marketing as the organizer who joins entertainment with trainings, in order to make the business part more attractive. We are responsible for the entire event, starting at the Guests arrival, and ending in their leave.

We are helpful and available.
EEC-Marketing will take care of every attendant comfort.

Our Organized Conferences

Infertility – health scourge XXI century 2016 www.infertility-poland.eu
Urogynecology – current problems and challenges – UPDATE-2016 www.uroginekologia.eu
Understanding the world of children with autism www.konferencja-autyzm.com
Female Sexual Function Index 2015 www.femalesexuality.pl
Forum Of Food Supplements 2015 www.food-supplements.com.pl
Zdrowie psychiczne ludzi biznesu www.psychologia-biznesu.eu
Hold back youth www.zatrzymac-mlodosc.eu/eng/
Vitamin D www.witamina-d.eu/2015/
Zdrowie publiczne 2015 http://public-health.com.pl
Niepłodność 2015 www.2015.infertility-poland.eu
Uroginekologia 2015 www.urogynecology.pl
Indeks Funkcji Seksualnej Kobiety 2014 www.femalesexuality.eu/2014/
Suplementy 2014 Forum www.forum.foodsupplements-poland.pl/2014/
Opakowania 2014 www.healthy-packaging.pl
GMO 2014 www.gmo.org.pl/eng/2014/
Witamina D 2014 www.witamina-d.eu/2014/
Niepłodność 2014 www.2014.infertility-poland.eu
Suplementy 2014 Koalicja www.koalicja.suplementy-diety.edu.pl/2014
Indeks Funkcji Seksualnej Kobiety 2013 www.indeks-seksualny-kobiety.pl/2013/en/
Suplementy 2013 Forum www.forum.suplementy-diety.edu.pl/2013
GMO 2013 www.gmo2.pro-salutem.edu.pl
Suplementy 2012 Koalicja www.koalicja.suplementy-diety.edu.pl/2012
Niepłodność 2012 www.2012.nieplodnosc.org.pl
Suplementy 2012 Forum www.eng.forum.suplementy-diety.edu.pl/2012/
Suplementy 2011 Koalicja www.koalicja.suplementy-diety.edu.pl/2011
Suplementy 2011 Forum www.forum.suplementy-diety.edu.pl/2011
Zdrowie publiczne 2010 www.2010.zdrowie-publiczne.com/eng/
Zdrowie publiczne 2009 www.2009.zdrowie-publiczne.com